Talk and Presentation records.
Stones, Balloons, or Houseless Archives
The Art of Recovery: Legacies of the Fukushima Triple Disaster: Cross-disciplinary Workshop
2025年3月12日、ブリストル大学 人文・社会・法学部でベネデッタ・ロミ博士の企画したワークショップ「回復の芸術:福島の三重災害の遺産」にて発表を行いました。ここに竹内の発表部分のテキスト原稿と、後日別の場所で撮影したビデオで話した内容を記載します。
On 12th March 2025, I gave a presentation at a workshop entitled ‘The Art of Recovery: Legacies of the Fukushima Triple Disaster’ organised by Dr Benedetta Lomi at the University of Bristol's Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences. Here I will include the text of my presentation and the video of my talk, which was filmed at a separate location later.
Stones, Balloons, or Houseless Archives
薄磯海岸にて At Usuiso Coast
Hello, I am Kota Takeuchi. Here is Usuiso District of Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. This area was hit hard by the massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011. I've been visiting this place by bicycle several times since I moved to this city.
津波で破壊された街の痕跡ですとかあるいは大昔に掘られたと思しき横穴の跡なんかを見て、何をするっていうのでもないんですけどもぼうっと そういった風景を眺めていた時期があります。その後、復旧工事が進んで、この辺りの風景も大きく変わったんですけれども、あそこにある山を削って、その辺り一帯をかさ上げ工事をして、地面の高さそのものが大きく変わってるんですね。
I saw the remains of the town destroyed by the tsunami, and the remains of some caves that seemed to be dug a long time ago. I would just look at the scenery without doing anything. I went through a period like that. After that, restoration work progressed and the scenery around here changed a lot. The mountain over there was cut down. And the ground in this area has been raised. The height of the ground itself has changed significantly.
By the way, I recently had an opportunity to give a presentation at a university workshop. This video is made to convey its contents to you. I thought I had presented well, but... the batteries in this recorder had run out, so it wasn't recording at all. I went home and spoke the same thing to the recorder again. Like muttering to myself... It's a bit strange, or rather, it's like productive, unnatural, because it's not actual talk. But, looking back at its content, I thought it might not be so bad after all.
The title is "Stones, Balloons, or Houseless Archives." How the people in the past tried to hand down the events. How the people of today are trying to pass on to the future. I was vaguely thinking about such things... or maybe I wasn't. I spent a wondering time something. I think the time I have spent here might be related to my way of thinking. Just my feeling, I thought so. Please take a look.
石、風船、または家のないアーカイブ Stones, Balloons, or Houseless Archives
ブリストル大学 人文・社会・法学部
パネル3. 癒しと記憶における芸術の役割
12 March 2015
University of Bristol, Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences
The Art of Recovery: Legacies of the Fukushima Triple Disaster: Cross-disciplinary Workshop
Panel 3. The Role of the Arts in Healing and Memory
Hi, I'm Kota Takeuchi. I'm so happy to be participated in this great workshop today. Thank you to the University of Bristol, Dr. Benedetta Lomi-san, and everyone who organizes this event and all of you who are here today.
I am an artist and I have lived in the town of Iwaki on the coast of the Fukushima prefecture since around 2012. I have visited the areas affected by the tsunami, by bicycle many times, and there were times I have worked in the exclusion zone of the nuclear disaster, to support myself. This is a photo of me as a security guard in the zone.
When I hear TV news say like, "It's been 80 years since the great the tsunami in the past..." or "it's been a dozen years since the nuclear accident..." I sometimes think about the time and about the people's behavior who speaks of the past. I'd like to speak about some of my activities inspired by hearing such topics in my daily life. It relates to the time or generations, and is about memory and care.
本セッションのテーマは「癒しと記憶」ですが、「癒し」と聞くと、あるワークショップを思い出します。金田諦應という宮城県のお寺の住職が「カフェ・デ・モンク」という移動式喫茶の活動をしています。金田氏によるこの活動は災害を経験した人の話を傾聴する機会をもたらします。そこでは音楽演奏があり、時に 地蔵人形作りワークショップがありました。地蔵というのは、私たちは地蔵、お地蔵様と呼びますが、守り神のようなもので、慣れ親しまれた存在です。
Theme of this session is “Healing and Memory.” When I hear the word “healing,” I’m reminded of a workshop once attended. Taio Kaneta, a Buddhist monk residing at the temple in Miyagi Prefecture runs a mobile cafe activity known as Cafe de Monk. This activity by Mr. Kaneta provides opportunities to listen to the people who are affected by the disasters. The gatherings include activities such as music performances and sometimes the handicraft workshop of Jizo dolls. Jizo, we call it Jizo, O-Jizo-sama, It means a type of religious guided deity. It's a familiar type of existence.
ある日私は偶然ワークショップに参加できました。津波で家族を失った人々が自由に気の向くままに考えや気持ちを語っていました。粘土を触って地蔵を作りながら。こうした活動は被災者の孤立のを防いでいると思います。また辛い気持ちは消えずとも、話すこと がストレス軽減になるかもしれない。そう願いました。
One day I was fortunate enough to participate in the workshop by chance. People who had lost the family members in the tsunami were talking freely, sometimes without any particular aim, about their thoughts and feelings while touching clay for making Jizo dolls. I think the activity helps to stop survivors from being isolated. And even if painful feelings never disappear, talking about them might help to relieve their stress. I hoped so.
災害について語ることに使命感を持つ人もいます。原発事故による長期避難の経験を話すことに、社会的意義を見出したと思しき人々にお会いしました。広い意味ではそれもある種の癒しと捉えられるかもしれません。ただ、それは簡単に続けられることではないようです。立入制限地域から避難したある友人は何年にも渡って様々な社会活動に参加していました。被災経験を話す会や、被災地域の案内役を務めたり、メディアのインタビュー取材に応えたり。けれど ストレスを抱えて次第に活動を止めました。個人的な友人の話です。
On the other hand, some people who talk about the disasters have a sensible mission as storytellers. I saw, some evacuees who had experienced the long time evacuation due to the nuclear accident, found a social significance in sharing the experiences. It might be a part of healings in a big meaning. However, it does not seem easy to continue. One of my friends was evacuated from the area of the zone They did a lot of the social activities for many years, like going to meetings to talk about their experiences, and working as a guide in the disaster area, and giving interviews to the media. But they got really stressed and eventually stopped participating in such activities. It's a case with my personal friend.
今なお災害について語る人取り組む人には敬服します。ただ、その友人のことは語ることを止めるケースとして、とても印象に残っています。原発事故の政治的な多面性は人々の違いを浮き彫りにしてくる。色んな社会的軋轢を見聞きする。だからこそ語ろうという人もいるだろうし、だからこそ苦痛すぎて語るのを止める人もいるでしょう。誠実で真摯な人ほど、他者の意見や立場を蔑ろにしない人ほど、より多くの対立に向き合うことになる。友人は心に 社会の分断を抱えてしまっているようだった。また原発事故避難者を否定的なレッテルとして規定される困難も抱えていた。
Of course, I have respect for the many people who are still talking about and working on the disaster. But this case of my friend as a case of somebody stopped talking was particularly striking for me. The nuclear accident has various sides in political meanings, and this shows the differences between people. I saw some social conflicts in various aspects of this matter. It could be the reason why some people do talk about it, and it could be the reason why others find it too painful and to stop to talk. People who are sincere and diligent, and who don't ignore the other opinions and positions will face more social conflicts. My friend's mind seemed to be occupied by too many issues of the social conflicts, and they was also having the difficulty of being stigmatized by defining as a nuclear accident evacuee.
They never forget it, but if they don't have time not to think about it, they won't be able to return to their daily life. So, stopping to talk about it was the healing for them, in this case. Disasters are something that individuals cannot bear the everything. I think that can be the reason why memorials or archive facilities are needed. To remember the events from time to time, not to dominate our minds all the time.
Many places to remember and learn about the disasters have been built in the Tohoku area. The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum, which opened in Futaba Town, Fukushima Prefecture in 2020, is the largest exhibition facility dedicated to the nuclear accident. The exhibition is organized in order to events, and it shows the accident, the evacuation and the decontamination process with many video interviews with people who experience the disaster.
There are some criticism on this museum and I will discuss one of them here. It concerns the last exhibition room, which is named Striving for Revitalization. This room shows about the technologies leading recovery of the area. There is a display of the robots used in the disaster situations and information about the technologies for decommissioning the nuclear power plant. There is also a computer table where you can touch to simulate the creation of a new town. I've heard some voices saying not comfortable on this exhibit. They say it looks like as if it has already been succeeded or promised even though it's still in progress. While I understand that these kind of concerns, but I thought there might be something suspicious senses towards the technology itself.
I would like to introduce my art activities here. While hearing about some conflicts of the nuclear disaster and the difficulties of the continuous storytellings, I became to focus on the memory inheritance in our society. "Take Stone Monuments Twice." In Iwaki City of Fukushima where I live, about 50 years ago, there was a journalist, Ichiro Saito, who visited the numerous stone monuments in this area and wrote the articles about them. I found his book in the library. Then I challenged myself to find and to visit the same stone monuments and to took photos of the same compositions. These are the reproduction photos of photos of the stone monuments. They deal with events such as disasters, accidents, land development, industry, and war. They quietly tell the stories of the past to the present.
もう一つ、「タイムトラベラーズ」。原子力災害の立入制限区域内にアート作品を置くというプロジェクトがあります。2015年に始まって、避難指示の解除後に一般公開するという趣旨で「今は行くことのできない展覧会」です。Don’t Follow the Windというプロジェクトで、Chim↑Pom from Smappa! Groupというグループが発案しました。これがそのプロジェクトの私の参加作品です。私は区域内に隔離された家で友人たちと写真を撮りました。その家に残された衣服を借りて着ています。その後で 等身大の写真を同じ場所に設置しました。これらの写真は家の中で未来の訪問者を待っています。
The other one. “Time Travelers.” There's a project to install artworks inside the exclusion zone of the nuclear disaster. It started in 2015 and will be open to the public after the evacuation order is lifted. So this is an “inaccessible exhibition” for now. It's a named Don’t Follow the Wind project that was conceived by the artist collective Chim↑Pom from Smappa! Group. And this is my participation work for it. I took photos with the friends wearing the clothes that have been left behind in an isolated house in the zone, and have installed the same sized photos in the same position. The photos are waiting for future visitors in the house.
時間と人々の関係の探求についてですが、メディアというものは寿命があるので、世代を越えて記憶を継承するにはそれを管理する誰かが必要です。地域共同体の誰かが石碑を世話している。私は区域内でこの家のメンテナンスをしている。“記憶の保持”は 人に何をさせるのだろう。
This activity is a long term collaboration with the house owner and our entry is officially permitted by the local government. And I'm also interacting with the house owners, filming their house and land, organizing their old photos, attending to visitors, and doing some maintenance work, such as weeding.
I wanted to explore the relationship between the time and the people. Since the media has a limited lifespan to pass on memories beyond the generations, it needed someone to look after it. Somebodies in the local community take care of the stone monuments. I take care of the house in the zone. I am curious to see how people act to keep the memories.
While doing such activity, one day I came across an interesting history. Iwaki City, where I live, has a negative history of releasing weapons called “balloon bombs.” During the World War II, the Japanese made a huge balloons and hung bombs on them. They flew 10,000 of these balloons (*To be precise, it's about 9300.)to attack the U.S. main land. One of the bombs killed six people in Oregon. A memorial monument was erected at the site after the war. This might be the first use of the intercontinental remote bombs in the history.
This map shows where the balloons have been spotted or recovered. So it's a historical event. But it also makes me associate about information warfare and the negative aspect of the remote communication technology in modern society. I researched where these balloons landed on the North American continent. Based on the records of the U.S. military intelligence stored in the National Archives, I visited and a photographed the balloon landing places, and it made the videos. This is an attempt to approach to the landing points of the balloons and the bombs as much as possible.
そうする中で私はひとつ奇妙な点に気づきました。いくつかの例外を除いて、風船の落ちた場所は推定することしかできません。地点を特定することは簡単ではありません。しかし何百とある事例の中で、ある地点だけ私は完全に場所を特定できました。ワシントン州のハンフォードという地域の近くの風船です。他の場所より多くの写真記録があって、航空写真まであったのです。この写真を元に完璧な精度で着地場所を見つけられました。ええと、コロナ禍の時期に、グーグルマップで風船着地場所を探す日々、ある日とうとう見つけて 「おお…」
In the course of this activity, I noticed one strange point. With a few exceptions, I could usually only estimate where the balloons landed because it's not easy to be exact. But out of the hundreds of incidents, I was able to identify the exact location of a balloon that landed near the place named “Hanford Area” in Washington State. There were more photos of the found balloons than the other locations, and that there were even the aerial photos. I was able to find the place where the balloon landed with the perfect accuracy based on these photo materials. So in the COVID-19, I looked for the these balloon landing place via the Google Maps every day. One day I found it, wow...
それで 私はその場所を訪れて、風船が横たわっていた地面の写真をたくさん撮りました。その後、その地面の写真を使って“風船の形の地面” のアート作品を作りました。興味深いことに、他にも複数の風船が飛来した記録がこの「ハンフォード」周辺については残っています。風船は風任せ。コントローラーなど無かった。現代兵器のように特定の標的を狙うことはできない。ではなぜ複数の風船がそこへ飛んだのか。なぜ私はこの場所だけ精確に特定できたのか。
And I went to the site and it took a lot of photos of the ground where the balloon was lying. Later, I used the photos of the ground to make a balloon shaped ground as an art installation. Interestingly, there are also records of the other multiple balloons flying to around the Hanford Area. The balloons flew with the wind, and it did not have any controllers, so they could not aim at the specific location like modern weapons. So why did the multiple balloons come there? Why I could identify only this landing point so perfectly?
I expected it to be related to the nuclear development, even if it wasn't the directory. Hanford Site, it was the place of producing plutonium for the atomic bomb. That was the plutonium in the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. So it was a very important military base with the security guards stationed there, there was a certain process of discovery, reporting, recovery and recording of the suspicious things. So there might be a lot of concrete records of the balloons. And as a result, it looks like as if several balloons flew aiming at the nuclear facilities. I'm saying it the seems like so. Anyway the substantial materials helped me to find the landing point very well.
ここからが非常に興味深いのですが、歴史的な連鎖についてお話させてください。1944 - 45年に福島の沿岸を含む日本の東側から風船が放たれました。いくつかがアメリカのハンフォード周辺へ飛来した。その後、ハンフォード、この地名は福島の歴史に再び登場するんです。それが 2011年の災害からの復興の物語です。今日話している、件の災害です。
And now for the really interesting part, let me talk about the historical linkage. In 1944-45, the balloons flew from the locations in the east of Japan, including the coastal areas in Fukushima. And some of the balloons went to around the Hanford area in the U.S. After that, Hanford, this name appeared once again in the history of Fukushima. This was the recovery story from the 2011 disaster, which we are talking about today.
原発事故の後、日本政府と福島県沿岸部は「ハンフォード」を復興事業のためのモデルとします。米国ハンフォードサイトは核廃棄物による汚染エリアを抱えていますが、1990年代から除染事業を活発に推進して、ベッドタウンの人口が増えました。この地域は多くの先進科学の機関や研究所があり、さらには 周辺地域の農業がまた非常に良い。そこで、このハンフォードの開発をモデルとして、福島はロボットや遠隔操作技術など科学技術産業を新たに誘致しました。これは進行中の国家事業で正式名称は「福島イノベーション・コースト構想」といいます。
After the nuclear accident in Japan. The central government and the coastal area of the Fukushima used the Hanford as a model for their reconstruction project. The Hanford Site in the U.S. had the contaminated area with nuclear waste, and since the 1990s there have been active decontamination projects. Then the population of the commuter town has increased and there are also many advanced science research institutes and laboratories. Moreover, agriculture in the surrounding area is very good. So using this Hanford Area development as a model, Fukushima has attracted the new science and technology industries including robotics and remote control technology. This is ongoing national project and is officially named the Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework.
実は先ほどお話した伝承館もこの事業の一環で建てられました。「77のロボット関連企業が福島県浜通り地域等に新たに進出しています」これは 先進科学技術による原子力災害からの復興という話、アメリカのようにですね。ここに、展示への違和感の根っこが顔を出しているのかもしれません。ハンフォード、長崎の原爆のプルトニウムを生産していた場所が、福島復興の希望となっている。既に十分奇妙に聞こえるかもですが…。
Actually, the Memorial Museum I mentioned earlier was also built as part of this project. It says “77 robot related companies have newly established their bases of operations in and around the coastal region of the Fukushima Prefecture.” So it's a story about the nuclear disaster area being recovered by advanced technology like the United States of America. Here, I may be able to find the hidden roots of the some voices of uncomfortable feelings on the exhibit. Hanford, where the plutonium for the Nagasaki atomic bomb was produced, is set as a great hope for the recovery of Fukushima. It may sound strange enough...,
but the main point I want to make is that Hanford was built on land previously inhabited by other people. In the 19th century, the people who came from the east defeated the indigenous people in the war, including the Yakama Tribe, the Walla Walla Tribe, and so on, and drove them out of the area. The balloon landing site I visited was at the foot of a mountain, it’s named Laliik, that is a sacred mountain to the Yakama, Amereican Indian people.
Then, during the World War II, the descendants of settelers' towns were also abandoned for the nuclear development, and the residents were relocated to the other areas. You can see the description, it says “The inhabitants of the Hanford area are evacuated (in 1942).”
それで 2011年以後、原発事故で人々が強制的に退避させられた福島の沿岸地域が、このハンフォード地区を復興のモデルとしている。乱暴に要約すると、人々を“立ち退かせて”発展した場所が、人々が“立ち退かされた”場所の、明るい未来として宣伝されている。
And, after 2011, the coastal area of Fukushima, where people were almost forcibly displaced due to the nuclear accident is using this Hanford area as a model for recovery. To sum up, the place that developed by displacing the people is promoted as the bright future for the place of the people were displaced.
I imagined that the “coming future story of the technology saving disaster areas” in the Memorial Museum might evoke the fundamental fear of a huge power treating individual lives as playthings like computer games.
I don't want to cause any confusions, but I think a government-run archival museum is necessary. Because it is not possible for individuals, like my friend, to bear the full weight of the disaster. So comprehensive facilities are helpful to remember the disaster from time to time. However, I also think that the museum is something that contains some strange or interesting points that arise from its own power.
When my artworks related to the balloon bomb were exhibited at the local museum in Iwaki, I asked the curator to organize a walking tour event around the area of the balloon bomb base. There are almost no ruins, so we had some maps and old photos in our hands, and discussed where the things had been in the past.
石碑には屋根がない。町歩きや現地訪問は“屋外”活動です。情報はアーカイブ施設の中に保管される、博物館や図書館に。ただ、私は思います。誰かが触れることで、情報は、記憶になる。情報は変身する。石に、現地訪問会に、物語りに、あるいは地蔵人形に。いわば “家のない(ハウスレス)アーカイブ” です。アーカイブという建築の外で記憶をケアする方法です。
I think, a stone monument doesn't have a roof. And our walking tour, site visitings, were outdoor activities. The related informations are stored in some archive facilities, museums or libraries. But I think, the information becomes a memory by being touched by someone. That information could transform to stones, site visits or storytellings, or it might be a Jizo doll. I could call them ‘houseless archives.’ These are the ways of caring for memory outside the archive architectures. They are not the homeless. Rather, they have the means to those who still believe in ‘home,’ in the face of losing their ‘house.’ By means of, these kinds of ways. People take care of the memories and the memories to take care of the people. I've got such a view.
Okay, It is time. Thank you for listening.
湯ノ岳にて In MT. Yunotake
In my presentation, I showed a stone monument. Here is Iwaki City, Mt. Yunotake, I am in the Mt. Yunodake in Iwaki City. This is a stone monument inscribed ‘Memorial to the American Airplane Accident’. It was erected in 1949. At the end of World War II, two days after 2 Sep 1945, the day Japan signed the Instrument of Surrender. A U.S. B-29 bomber was about to drop relief supplies to the POW camp at Iwaki. At that time it crashed into this mountain in an accident. Four years later, as a memorial for the American soldiers who have passed away, the people of the neighbouring town built this monument.
Some of the people in the villages rushed to the crash site at the time. One of them was Tameo Watanabe. There, he picked up some airplane pieces and duralumin plates to the home. He was very good with his hands, made a model of railway vehicles with them. Watanabe-san is known as the person who converted his chicken coop into a private museum about the coal mining industry in the region. One day I saw him, and was struck to see his model train. I never forget the impact.
Thank you for watching.
Competing images and "Evidence"
Book at Lunchtime: Don't Follow the Wind
On February 16, 2022, TORCH Book at Lunchtime online webinar held a talk event with Don't Follow the Wind curator Jason Waite and artist Akio Koizumi, Kota Takeuchi. Here is the text transcript of Takeuchi's presentation.
2022年2月16日、TORCH Book at Lunchtime online webinar でDon't Follow the WindのキュレーターJason Waite氏、アーティスト小泉明朗氏、竹内公太のトークイベントを開催しました。ここに竹内の発表部分のテキスト原稿を掲載します。
Competing images and "Evidence"
In a long term disaster it can be difficult to understand the present day situation on the ground. Especially when there has been a ongoing competition of images to that show different competing realities. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the larger context of what has been going on in Fukushima, in my view point. To do this I will share with you recent images of the changes ongoing in the area, before and after the Olympicsimpic in 2021, and my own experience there.
In a long term disaster it can be difficult to understand the present day situation on the ground. Especially when there has been a ongoing competition of images to that show different competing realities. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the larger context of what has been going on in Fukushima, in my view point. To do this I will share with you recent images of the changes ongoing in the area, before and after the Olympicsimpic in 2021, and my own experience there.
The Olympic and Fukushima 五輪と福島
In Fukushima after the nuclear power plant accident, the surface layer of land soil is being stripped off and removed in many places surrounding the plant. This process is called decontamination. In these past 4-5 years, the decontamination project was accelerated to coincide with the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. All the decontaminated soil in the whole Fukushima Prefecture except for the exclusion zones where it is difficult to return home almost has been moved to one place. It is named “Interim Storage Facility.”
I was a security guard at this construction site in 2019 ? 2020. I took these photos.
On the other hand, watching the news articles, this is a new stadium built in Tokyo for the Olympics. There were some who argued that the huge amount of money and manpower needed to build the stadium for the Olympic in Tokyo should be spent on the reconstruction of Fukushima and the other disaster damaged regions. But the expectation was that the Olympics would bring a broader economic recovery and its ripple effects would be felt in Fukushima.
In 2021, the Olympic cames, some baseball matches were to be held in Fukushima City. They hoped that the visitors to the games would boost the local economy. However due to the epidemic of coronavirus, they were held without spectators.
In 2013, the slogan "Olympics for recovery (from the earthquake and nuclear disaster)," it was initially used as the reason to invite the Olympic to Tokyo. However in 2021 this slogan was shifted to "Olympics for the recovery from the coronavirus.". As the pandemic continuited through the games and beyond it is unclear what “recovery” means. However what is clear is that this shifted away the country's and worlds's attention from Fukushima. While it's unclear what is the recovery from COVID.
That said in preparation for the 2020 Olympics still had some effects. For example, contaminated soil was cleaned up in certain places. When this photo was taken in 2015, this baseball field was also piled with bags of contaminated soil, but now it is cleaned up and the public can enjoy playing baseball sports. All the soil has been moved to the "Interim Storage Facility".
I worked as a security guard at the Interim Storage Facility of contaminated soils from the summer of 2019 to the spring of 2020. The working days were long, I was on site from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. At times, as many as 2,000 trucks passed infront of me by per a day.
I could feel it in the soreness of my arms as I waved the traffic guide baton from morning till night. I felt the determination of the government to finish the transportation of the removed soil by the Olympic no matter what.
But fundamentally, I had a question: if there were no Olympics, would the reconstruction project have proceeded at the same pace, or even happened at all?
If more resources would have been shifted to Fukushima could the reconstruction effort have progressed even quicker? While coronavirus was certainly unexpected, these questions still linger for me.
しかし、根本的な疑問として、オリンピックがないと復興プロジェクトは進めないのか? とも思いました。同じペースで進んだだろうか、あるいは全く進んでいなかったのだろうか。
もし、福島にもっとリソースを投入していたら、復興はもっと早く進んでいたのでは? コロナウイルスは確かに想定外でしたが、こうした疑問は脳裏に浮かびました。
Competing for the Image of the zone ゾーンのイメージの競合
Rather than using the Olympics as decoration to shift the "image" of the country and the region damaged by the nuclear accident, I think the focus should be on "actual recovery" such as decontamination, disposal of contaminated soil, lifting of evacuation zones, and recovery of the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industries. I believe that these recoveries have partly proceeded well, but they are still a work in progress. And no matter how much progress is made in the recovery, as long as there are still unresolved issues, politicians believe that criticism of them will damage "their" image.
Such image problems are not only for the politicians. The situation in Fukushima is diverse. On one hand, reconstruction is proceeding at a brisk pace, and on the other hand, there is an evacuation zone that has been untouched since 2011.
This is the area around the train station in the zone that has been restored. Anyone can come here 24 hours a day. Around here, the evacuation order is scheduled to be lifted in June this year, and some residents have been allowed to stay in the night.
This is an untouched, abandoned house left in the restricted area. There is still no prospect of when we will be able to freely enter this place. The house in the photo on the left is located in a mountainous area. The house owner is part of three generations of a family that had sustained forestry in the area for 100 years until they were forcibly displaced. They have had to start again in a different place.
There are also drastic changes, such as the interim storage facility construction, that are different from recovery.
The landscape in this area is changing drastically with the construction of huge pits to fill with soil and huge facilities to incinerate waste.
Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to say in general, “This is Fukushima.” in one word.
It is really easy to manipulate images. From my point of view, I can show only pictures of the progress of reconstruction, or I can show only images of destruction and contamination. And since the consumers of news are not usually interested in Fukushima's complicated reality with competing images, but in "easy to understand answers", they are not so interested in complicated and fumbling "explanations" from experts or evacuees.
For those of us in the middle position- neither victims of disaster nor experts on reconstruction projects, but frequent visitors to Fukushima - our words are expected to be "right from all sides". It is natural to be concerned about the existence of people who have been hurt by the prolonged disaster, but this makes it impossible to ignore the complexity and diversity of the situation, and our words become a crisp explanation. Then people lose interest in the Fukushima events themselves. What remains are the polemics of some agitators (businessmen who use unscientific discourse) and the fierce exchange of accusations against them. (It is a story except for the few people who continue the conversation, not to give up the communication.)
In my view, people stay away from Fukushima not because it is contaminated, but because it is "politically troublesome".
Politically troublesome. In this sense, politicians are obsessed with restoring their image. This welcome illustration map celebrates the reopening of the train and invites tourists. The map, which is decorated with pink color of beautiful cherry blossoms, does not depict the evacuation zone, the nuclear power plant, or the interim storage facility that should be there. Naturally, this image strategy has been criticized.
It was hoped that fever of the excitement sparked by the Olympic Games could sweep away these troublesome discussions. In the spring of 2020, the central part of the cities(, Futaba Town and Okuma Town), which have the highest population coverage of the exclusion zone, was open to free passage, and infrastructure is being built in preparation for the actual return and relocation of displaced residents from 2022. TV programs broadcasted the Olympic torch runner's event here, showing the passion of those who hope for the recovery.
Some journalist, on the other hand, aimed for photos that show the torch event and contaminated soil in the same frame. This is where the competition for the image of the zone or Fukushima comes in.
Due to coronavirus, the Olympics didn't have the power to offset the all negative with a positive, but I think it was effective enough. The effect was to tire people out. People who are fed up with political discussions do not have the power to say objections to the directions of the recovery policy.
Evidence エビデンス
The competition of images can be described as a competition to present (or, to decorate with) "evidence". People want to include evidence of joy, or evidence of sorrow, in their photographs. Also, people have grown tired of the competition to present such evidences. I drew these letters by using my red light baton of the guard security.
External Memories 外部記憶
Some people who continue to live as evacuees have conflicting perspectives: "I don't want to make the seriousness of the accident disappear," and "I want to get my life and peaceful daily life back." Having these two things inside of them puts a heavy burden on the mind of the more serious people. One of the stress is such internalizing the competition of images, I think.
It would be desirable if memorial facilities for tsunami victims, archival facilities for the nuclear accident, or artistic expressions like ours could function as "external memories" to reduce the great burden on individual victims.
I hope that the Don't Follow the Wind project's and the new book we produced last year can be part of such an external memories.
Don't Follow the Windプロジェクトや、昨年制作した新刊本も、そうした外部の記憶の一部となれることを願っています。
On February 16, 2022 at TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities) Book at Lunchtime online webinar
Translation assistance by Jason Waite
"Distance and Sensation"
Artist Talk: Distance and Sensation by Kota Takeuchiat the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
On 13 October 2021, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation held a talk event with Kota Takeuchi moderated by Lena Fritsch . Here is the text transcript of Takeuchi's presentation.
2021年10月13日、大和日英基金においてLena Fritschの司会で竹内公太のトークイベントが開催されました。以下は竹内の発表部分のテキスト原稿です。
“Distance and Sensation“
Thank you for giving me the opportunity, to talk to you, about my work today.
My research-based practice, is informed by the environment in Fukushima, and the historical regional and international entanglements, that continue to press upon and shape its society.
“Distanse and Sensation” is today's title, While introducing my work, I’d like to touch on human perception and behaviors, that are surrounded by medias and technologies, beyond distances.
本日は、「Distanse and Sensation」というタイトルで、私の作品を紹介しながら、メディアやテクノロジーに囲まれた人間の知覚や行動、そして距離感について触れたいと思います。
Reaction: the loop of image capture リアクション、ループするイメージのキャプチャ
I am one of the person who have been greatly influenced by the reactions to the 2011 earthquake and nuclear disaster in Japan. The word "disaster" covers a huge and diverse range of topics, however I’d like to focus on, the internet and social networking sites, at the time of the disaster. There was a lot of misinformation, political propaganda, and discriminatory words, flying around. Uncertain information and emotions, echo each other, within “small closed circles”. And these eventually spill over into society.
As a reaction to this media structure, in August 2011- 6 months after the initial meltdowns - a man who worked at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant, walked in front of a public live streaming camera, and held his finger at the center of the camera frame for 20 minutes.
He came to be called by the media, the “Finger Pointing Worker.”
He launched his website, and suggested some improvement for the labor conditions on the site.
And he also wrote about the narcissism of anonymous expression, while refering to Vito Acconci's, 1971 video art work, entitled “Centers”.
こうしたメディアの構造への反動として、メルトダウンから半年後の2011年8月、東京電力福島第一原子力発電所のある作業員が、公開されたライブ配信カメラの前に出て、約20分間カメラのフレームの中心に指を立て続けました。彼は、人々から "指差し作業員 "と呼ばれるようになりました。彼は自分のウェブサイトを立ち上げ、現場の労働条件の改善を提案しました。また、ヴィト・アコンチの1971年のビデオアート作品「Centers」を参照しながら、匿名表現のナルシシズムについて書いています。
I, Kota Takeuchi, also worked at the nuclear power plant at the same time so I knew him well.
With his permission, I shared his performance with the art world, as a video art work. It has been shown in, more than 20 domestic and international exhibitions so far.
I, Kota Takeuchi, followed his example, and made some works about disaster and loop of image capture, too. Here is a video installation, about an earthquake damaged historical theater, demolition.
I put a fixed camera to film the demolition. Then projected the footage onto the screen from the same theater.
The people in this image are the viewers, who came to see my installation, and see their own reflection, entangled with the demolition of their history. Both witnesses and accomplices, to the act.
These works of loop image capturing, are reactions to the disaster, and also contemporary information environment, and our society.
Out of this project, I became interested in this relationship, between the physical body, and its place in a separated location, and in a historical time.
Over the spatial division 空間的な隔たりを越えて
The nuclear accident forcibly displaced thousands of residents, from the area, commonly called the exclusion zone. This separation from the residents and their land, has caused suicides, mental illness, and drastic changes in their lives.
Even as some part of the zone are going to be lifted the evacuation order, starting next year, the majority of the area and displacement, continues to exist today.
In 2019 - 2020, I went to work in the exclusion zone again, to support myself. The other reason was to gain access to the construction site, of the new Interim Storage Facility, for radioactive waste.
Within the exclusion zone, a huge facility was being built, to store large amounts of soil from the Fukushima decontamination process. I worked as a guard security, to ensure that prevent traffic accidents, to ensure the soil was transported safely, across a road.
My job entailed waving the red light baton, to guide the vehicles, and to visual signal to the vehicles with my hands.
I used this tool of my job, in these photographs. These pictures are trails of red batons, taken by controlling the shutter speed of the camera, I experimented with the technique of light-trail photography. I used this method to make alphabets, numbers and symbols.
These characters were traced, based on my hand movements, and are available as a font. You're also be able to use on your computer.
For me, these photographs and fonts signify separated places - the inaccessible zone in Fukushima - as well as thinking about unseen radiation, and the relationship between instruments in hand - such as geiger counters, or batons, - both make visible these conditions, through mediated communication.
Stumbling over communication, we use our hands, to accrue the knowledge.
This working with hands inside and around the zone, has been a small, imperfect, but essential part of healing the land and the towns.
The people on the ground are quietly taking measurements, and there is always a real problem in front of them.
It's not just the construction workers. At school, at home, at various jobs, and in many other situations, people in the field face the numbers, and struggle with the communications in front of them.
Of course, there are misunderstandings and quarrels.
But the people on the frontlines have no choice, but to keep working hard.
Like fungi, mold, and moss, healing the earth after a volcanic eruption, has burned it to the ground, they are still making steady efforts.
I consider the radiation measurement at Fukushima itself, to be kind an intellectual action. We learned about radiation, started to operate the instruments, with our dumb hands, and shared the information to try to help the recovery, and to use as a guide for our activities there.
Although there are some problems with incorrect measurements, and the process of knowledge transfer, but generally we have been sharing our new wisdom of communication, little by little over the past 10 years. I think so.
This process of knowledge transfer over time, also led me to see, what knowledge was already embedded in the environment from past generations, that perhaps we are overlooking.
Also, the long-term effects of the disaster and the nuclear accident, have made me reconsider, not only the spatial separation, but also the temporal separation.
It led me to explore the landscape of the local area in Fukushima, where I was living in, more deeply.
Landscape and Time Scape 風景と時景
The town I live in Fukushima, was historically a coal mining area, that used to service, the growing energy needs of Tokyo. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, is a contemporary continuation of that energy extraction.
This is a tunnel, that was built by the railroads to transport coal stones.
...Walking into the darkness of the spaces, sometimes I would use a flashlight, to light my way. Sometimes I wouldn't use the light, I touched the rock wall, with my hand, to help navigate.
These behaviors reminded me of a Japanese youkai, an imaginary monster (specter), called "Te-no-Me (Eyes on Hands)". They take the form of a blind man, with eyes in their palm.
When one's own eyes are unreliable, or when one seeks information, to accompany the scenery, people uses their hands.
Sometimes it's a smartphone, to find a meeting place, or a Geiger counter to measure radiation levels. Not only researchers, but also people try to see things, with their hands, in response to invisible situations.
Sense of feeling history. “Touching” the memories in landscape. Of trying understand the past with different sense, I started to look into the many stone monuments, that litter the landscape in Fukushima.
Stone monuments in Japan are a common way, to mark different historical moments large and small, and I became interested in this knowledge, that was already embedded in the landscape.
歴史を感じ取ろうとする知覚。風景の中の記憶に "触れる"。私は過去の出来事を別の感覚で理解しようと、福島の風景に点在する多くの石碑に目を向けるようになりました。日本では、大小さまざまな歴史的瞬間を示す石碑がよく見られますが、風景にすでに埋め込まれているこの知識に興味を持つようになりました。
The library in my town has a book of a journalist, whose life long project was, to visited and photographed stone monuments in my town. I followed his method, of transposing stone into a photography, looking for the same monuments in his photos, and re-shooting them.
This monument is about a U.S. military plane that crashed into a mountain shortly after the war.
This is a stone monument that marks, the reconstruction of a damaged fish market due to sea wave.
This is a stone monument that marks, the village reclaimed forest rights, from the central government.
I visited about 170 stones, that recorded different events relating to, industry, war, development, and accidents in the area, compiling them into an installation shown here. The installation was intended as living index, to highlight the generations of information, stone-photo- and USB chips for computer, already surrounding us in the landscape.
Beyond the Ocean and 76years 海と76年を越えて
While looking around the stone monuments, I came across the history of a strange weapon, used by the Japanese military during World War II. Apparently, coastal area of my town in Fukushima, was the launch site for the weapon, which was called a "balloon bomb".
Balloon bomb is weapon developed by the Japanese military at the end of World War II. The purpose of the bombs was to attack the U.S. mainland, by tying the bombs to large paper balloons, filled with hydrogen, and allowing them to carried across the Pacific Ocean, on the high altitude wind currents . This was first inter-continental bomb ever used.
The coastal area of Fukushima Prefecture is located in the relatively eastern part of Japan. Because of this geographic location, it was chosen as one of the launch site for this unique weapon.
This is a map that I made from reading the official US Military documents, in the National Archives of the US. Of the 9,000 of bombs that were released in Japan, hundreds landed in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
One of the bombs caused an electric shutdown at the Hanford nuclear facility in Washington state, that was producing plutonium.
And another bomb killed six citizens in Oregon.
I consulted several films and essays by filmmaker Harun Farocki, about remote technology and images. And books such as the"Theory of Drone" written by Gr?goire Chamayou.
Then I was determined to focus, especially on "blindness" around this Japanese balloon bomb history.
My grandfather's generation used these bombs, to "never see the enemy" when attacking them.
And I can't see the past, directly. The Japanese military destroyed most of the official records of the bomb, at the time of the defeat.
I decided to travel to the sites, where the balloon bombs landed in the US, following the coordinates I found in the archive. To overcome this temporal and spatial divide.
When I arrived at the approximate the location of balloon landing, I used an Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV, called as "drone" commonly) to re-play the "last movement of the balloons".
This is an image of where a bomb exploded in Thermopolis, Wyoming, on 7th December 1944.
This is an image of where a bomb exploded in Saticoy, California on 15th January 1945.
This is an image of where a bomb exploded in Farmington Hills, Michigan on 25th March 1945.
While researching past records, half of my mind was thinking about contemporary issues.
There is a gap in the image of the balloon bomb. The gap between the tender, peaceful image of balloons floating in the sky, and the photographic images of the deadly weapons, and their detonated victims.
This is somewhat, similar to the violent nature, of social network communication, in our time, which is done casually, in comfortable, in the name of justice.
Last month, I visited the U.S. Again, despite the difficulty of travel due to the COVID-19 epidemic. One of the reasons I went was to meet the witnesses and families of the victims of the balloon bombs.
I couldn't skip this process, as a person who is a citizen of the perpetrating nation of this attack.
I also researched more indepth, on the episode of balloon bombs landing around the important Hanford Site, a military and scientific production center, where the plutonium for the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, was produced in 1945.
Perhaps because there were guard security soldiers of important facility for the Manhattan Project of the war, detailed report documents of multiple balloon sightings and recoveries were exist.
In the center of this map, a vast area, is the Hanford Site. The balloon found site is indicated by an arrow in the lower left.
Since aerial photos had been taken of this location, I was able to locate there, using Google Maps and satellite photos (This is very rare case to identify the exact landing point.).
This time I took photos from the ground. I'm showing you the old photos and the photo I took this time.
Naturally, I drew a cross on the ground with my foot. Even the owner of this land didn't know that this place had such a history.
Marking a place without a site marker, maybe this is what I wanted to do.
Also, in another location, on the west side of the Hanford Site, there is a report, that guards chased a balloon and shot it with a revolver and stopped it on the ground.
I went to that location and, shot, the shooting gesture.
One of the 3 launching sites for balloon bombs in Japanated near the coastal of Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, where I live.
So there is a possibility that this bomb was sent from Fukushima.
Technology and Blindness 技術と盲目
I called the balloon bomb a type of "blind bombing". It reminds me of the transmission, anonymity, and aggression in today's information society.
In the end, the major damage caused by this balloon bomb campain, was the killing of 6 private citizens. They were not military personnel. Five children who were just enjoying a picnic, and one woman who was pregnant.
Last month, a U.S. drone strike in Afghanistan killed 10 people, including 7 children, in the mistaken targeting.
Whether it is a state-of-the-art drone, or primitive balloon bomb, bombing from the air is bound to cause misfires.
However, the world that allows aerial bombings, continues to be the world, that accepts bombings wrong targets.
((Let me assure you, that I am not advocating direct murder over remote attack. I'm just trying to figure out, where the ethics and perceptions come from, that affect us.))
This "ethics of allowing mistaken bombing" has a ripple effects on the remote technology that we are familiar with.
I interpret it as the sense and ethics, that remote technology brings to us.
Balloon bombs are not the only blindness.
Technology allows blindness, to be used as an excuse.
However, technology and media can also be a way, to overcome blindness. Especially, technology on the ground(, and communication).
Like hand signals in the dark, engraved stones and written documents telling the history.
I am trying to confront, the spatial divide of our time, with the help of this problematic technology and media, to see if we can cross the temporal divide.
On 13 October 2021, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
Translation assistance by Jason Waite