竹内公太「Body is not Antibody」
会場 : SNOW Contemporary
■作者より From the author
From the summer of 2019 to the spring of 2020, I worked as a security guard in the difficult-to-return zone in Fukushima prefecture. In the summer I heard the voices of the cicada, and in the winter I gazed up at the stars. Every day, from dawn till midnight, I waved the traffic baton on the street in the town where no one lived. It was that red glowing LED baton that a security guard has in a hand to control traffic.
The photographic work “Evidens” was taken by using this traffic baton. In light-trail photography, traces of light are captured by moving a light at a slow shutter speed. I drew letters in the air with the baton and took light-trail photographs, then edited the photographic letters into a font (data of typefaces that can be selected when writing text on a computer).
→Download the font Evidens.otf
I believe wisdom, which illuminates the darkness, is brought by the hands of people who crawl on the ground, and not by a divine revelation. In this work, I worked with my hands a lot myself.
The word “evidence” is now often used to mean a “proof,” but it originally came from the Latin word “evidens” which means “perceptible” and “obvious.” While thinking of the 2011 nuclear power plant accident and the echoing words of those who desired for “evidens” in the darkness of through varied incidents and discussions, and also thinking about the origin of the word “photograph (light-picture),” I made the word “evidens” the name of this font.
《文書1 王冠と身体》は、このフォントを使って作った文書であり、図像です。トマス=ホッブズの『リヴァイアサン』という本の扉絵で有名な絵(1651年アブラハム・ボス作)から、王冠と身体の部分だけを抜き出したものです。元の絵は、海から出て山より高く描かれた王様の絵です。王の体が人民たちの体によって形作られている。手前の町には軍事訓練をする者たち、またペスト医師ではないかという説のある二人の人間以外は誰もいない、といった絵です。恐怖や危機に瀕するとき、人々は進んで国という身体のための「抗体」になる。「抗体」とは、身体にとっての異物に反応する役割を担う物質です。異物を攻撃し排除する免疫システムの一翼を担います。戦争はもとより、震災でも、コロナ禍でも、長期的な災禍にあって人が人に対して抗体反応のような振る舞いをする話が聞かれ、たびたび思い起こした絵でした。さらに、王様の被り物がウイルス名の由来と同じということにも気づいて、制作してみたいと思うようになりました。(電子顕微鏡で見たコロナウイルスは、表面に約20nmの特徴的な突起があり、その見た目が王冠(crown)によく似ていることから、ギリシャ語で王冠を意味する「corona(コロナ)」という名前が付けられたそうです)
“Document 1: Corona and Body” was a document, an image that used this font. It extracted the crown and body from the famous frontispiece drawn by Abraham Bosse (1651) for the book “Leviathan” by Thomas Hobbes. The original artwork was a king taller than a mountain coming out of the sea, whose body was shaped by the bodies of the people. In the city in the foreground of the picture, there was no one except a few military trainers and two people, who seemed to be plague doctors.
People willingly become “antibodies” for the body named a nation at the times of fear and crisis. “Antibodies” are substances that respond to foreign substances in the body, which attack and eliminate foreign substances in the immune system. This picture often came to my mind when I would hear stories of people taking antibody-reactions against other people during long-term disasters, such as wartime, earthquakes, and this corona-related chaos.
I also realized the king's headpiece was the same as the origin of the name of the virus, which motivated me to make this artwork. (The coronavirus seen under an electron microscope has distinctive protuberances of about 20 nm on the surface, which appearance resembles that of a crown, in Greek, a “corona.”)
弱い立場の人の健康や暮らしを守る。身体とは個人のもので、国はそのためのシステムですが、いつの間にかそのイメージが逆転してしまうことがある。本展覧会は、身体のイメージの帰属先を描くというテーマがあります。タイトルは「Body is not Antibody」、「身体は抗体ではない」。わたしの身体は国という怪物の抗体ではない。
To protect the health and livelihood of vulnerable people ? bodies belong to individuals and countries ought to be a system to protect the individuals, but at times before we notice, this relationship could be reversed. The theme of this exhibition is to portray the attribution of the image of the body. As the exhibition title “Body is not Antibody” exemplifies, bodies are not antibodies. My body is not the antibody of the monster named the country.
Then, in that case, what kind of attributed image can be said that it is my own body?
It might sound extreme, but what about aliens? Due to the influence of science fiction movies, people tend to associate “aliens” as “beings from outer space,” but the word originally means “outsiders” and “foreigners.” But when we think of the difficulties foreign residents are currently facing, or the distracting gaze thrown towards the Fukushima migrant workers, the bodies of “aliens” seem not to have an easy path either, even at a personal level. We must also keep in mind these “aliens” are the ones who often become identified as “antibodies” too.
Or, in the field of economics and philosophy, the loss of the essence of a human being caused by transferring one’s own property and rights is called “alienation.” This is another form of domination by the system. If I would forcibly find an “alienated self” in a human body, it would probably be a mitochondria ? originally a foreign substance, but by transferring the energy it produced, they coexist with the cells of the host and become a part of a body before one knows.
It seems to be quite a difficult position after all, but if I were forced to choose between becoming an “antibody” or a “mitochondrion,” I’d probably prefer to be... a mitochondrion-like alien. That way I can at least maintain my own dignity as an individual. Well, how can I say such a thing while I had been working as a security guard, who kept an eye out at the very end of the national project named a reconstruction, which is probably one of the most “antibody-ish” professions?
Excuse me that I have deviated off the track. Anyway, everyone who cordially visited this exhibition is highly welcomed to sit on the alien seat, or return back to the city of Tokyo by going through the body of the “Corona Leviathan,” or simultaneously look at both of them in front of the photographs taken in the town that has forced to be in quarantine for a decade. It would be my great pleasure if you could find your most comfortable place while walking around in the gallery.
18th, July, 2020 Kota Takeuchi
translation: Kana Kawanishi
エビデンス Evidens
56 photographs
w41*h30cm each
エビデンス.otf文字一覧 evidens.otf character chart
inkjet on papers
w60*h60cm each
Download the font Evidens.otf
文書1: 王冠と身体 Document 1: Corona and Body
installation, laser print on papers
文書2: エイリアン Document 2: Aliens
installation(laser print on papers, bench)
photo : Keizo Kioku, Kota Takeuchi
cortesy : SNOW Contemporary
布施琳太郎, < 作業員の死をいかにして「供儀」しうるか。布施琳太郎評「芸術競技」+竹内公太「Body is not Antibody」展>, Web版美術手帖, 2020年11月07日
村田真, < 竹内公太「Body is not Antibody」>, artscape, 2020年09月01日号